Sunday, May 13, 2007


Well, I was gonna post my "TV Dad of the Week" today, but I got to thinking, that if "Pop Pop" has a "TV Dad of the Week", why not a "TV Mom of the Week"? After all, it is Mother's Day, for cryin out loud! So I decided that, none other than, Elise Keaton, should be the innaugaral "TV Mom of the Week". But why not go for the two-fer? TV Mom and Dad of the Week, together, in the same post? After all, Elise and Steven, should be placed together at all times. Two liberal, hippie parents raising the staunchiest of Republicans, who would later become a werewolf, a time-traveller, and Deputy Mayor of New York. Not to mention that Elise's alcoholic brother, would later get stranded on an island, as some sort of castaway, like Gilligan. So for that, they are the "Pop Pop Culture TV Parents of the Week." Now don't worry next week, we will return to our regularly scheduled blogging.


Eileen said...

Both excellent choices. When you consider that they had a son who turned into a werewolf, a daughter who is related to Jason Bateman (have I stated my love for him before?), another daughter who was on Celebrity Fit Club, and a son with one of the meanest bowl cuts in tv history, how can you not celebrate them?

Another gem, Will. [Slow clap ensues...]

What would Pop-Pop do, baby, without us?

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.