Friday, May 25, 2007

This Day in History...

Happy 30th Anniversary to Star Wars. This cinematic anniversary is even being honored by the US Post Office with some stamps and mailboxes. Even in LA it's "Star Wars day." There was a showing of all 6 films that began Wednesday night. Can you imagine sitting for 17 hours straight?

Of course we all know that the Star Wars franchise is such a commonly referenced piece of pop culture:


Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (and most of Kevin Smith's movies):

Family Guy (gotta love the CYE reference at the end):

The Simpsons:

Thumb Wars:

And you know I couldn't resist:


James said...

Kudos to your swath of videos in tribute. And any excuse to show the AD video is OK in my book.

Eileen said...

Nicely done, my friend. I wish we could find some of those mailboxes around here. They are pretty spectacular!