Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Gods Must Be Crazy...Crazy funny, that is

Last night, after a superb evening at the Dryden Theater (at the George Eastman House), Jill, our friend Laura, and I were driving home when a wonderous event occurred. To me, it was a clear-cut sign that we are right to be dedicating so much of our lives to pop culture. As such, I felt the need to share.

Jill was commenting on how she was almost finished watching Stella, the quirky Comedy Central show by the always-entertaining Michael Ian Black, Michael Showalter, and David Wain.

We launched into different parts from the show that we found funny, including this:

We were laughing as we drove, and something strange happened. Laura, the driver, decided to take a different route home than she originally intended. She said just felt like going the way she picked, and we continued on our journey.

As we approached a red light, my jaw dropped. Then I started laughing hysterically. I quickly shrieked to Jill and Laura that they had to look at the license plate in front of us. It said “Stella.”

We all started laughing even harder. What are the odds, that of all the license plates in the world, we would get behind the “Stella” car at that very moment? We never would have even seen it if Laura hadn’t felt like turning where she did. The car brought the focus back to our conversation, and to me that’s a sign that we should be focusing our lives on pop culture. Maybe even moreso.

So, gentle readers, keep your eyes open. Watch Stella. Suit up. Be awesome. Whatever you do, make sure you keep watching pop culture the way you do. You never know when it may appear to you in your regular, non-Paris-Hilton-and-therefore-“mundane” life.


Jill said...

You know Eileen, you remind me of fast food...

On a more serious note, God has shown us our path many times. Like the timing of certain songs coming on the radio, or making an classic SNL reference just to hear someone on TV say it seconds later. Totally intune with the universe.

Oh and I just found out I have the same birthday as David Wain. Clearly another sign.

Eileen said...

"What are we doing?" [Makeout session.]

You are incredibly lucky.

Although I share my birthday with Elijah Wood, Alan Alda, and--most importantly--Joey Fatone. So who am I to complain?

James said...

I made a comment for this the other day but it didn't seem to work. Those moments are what make life worth living.

It shows that our obsession has a purpose, if at the very least it is for our amusement.