Sunday, May 6, 2007

One Man’s Trash…is Pop Culture Treasure

Yesterday being the first Saturday in May, and a gorgeous one at that, marked the beginning of a season…garage sale season. Garage sales, where you can look through people’s junk and find some hidden treasures that have nostalgic meaning to you. Sometimes for the low, low price of mere pennies.

So off Eileen and I went, driving aimlessly in search of said treasures. At one of our first stops, in a box marked “Free” I found:

Yes, a free Jem coloring book. And it is indeed truly, truly, truly outrageous.

Total spent so far: $0.00.

At the same sale, we come across piles of many paperbacks. And clearly these books these had belonged to someone roughly our age…Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume, Sweet Valley High…and then I saw it:

“Everything you want to know about… Hall & Oates” by Brad Gooch. Complete with “16 pages of photos!” and amazing quotes from the duo like, “There’s a certain elemental chemistry between us.” All this for a quarter. I do intend to read this book, and report back with many interesting “facts.”

Total spent so far: $0.25.

So we venture on a little longer, going through different towns, and come across a street sale. This one house has tons of stuff, and as I look at the tables I notice a glimpse of something. It’s definitely in a frame, sparkling, and has some pretty distinctive font. I pull it out and low and behold…

A framed red and silver glitter Def Leppard sign, still complete with pink yard and nail for hanging. How could I resist? Price tag: a dime.

Total spent for the day: $0.35.

So all in all, a successful day I must say. A book to color, a book to read and new wall décor for my computer room. Life is good.


James said...

Nice bounty. I hope it is just the start of a tremendous yard sale season.

I wonder which is more informative, Brad Gooch's book or the Hall & Oates Behind the Music.

Eileen said...

I expect a full report, young lady!