Monday, May 7, 2007

A Little Late-Night Nostalgia

I love 80's tv. I grew up on it and I'm sure in some way it helped shape who I am today. I don't have much to say about the subject (I don't think it needs much explanation), so here is a glimpse back in time, to only a few of the shows I have fond memories of. Just watching the opening credits makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Today's Special

You Can't Do That on Television

The Hogan Family (Oh, Jason Bateman was in this? There's a surprise that it's on my list!)

My Two Dads

The A Team

The Greatest American Hero

Charles in Charge

And even though this isn't a theme song, this clip is from a very memorable episode of Silver Spoons, one of my favorite 80's shows. It also features two boys who grew into two of the sexiest men alive.

Thanks, 80's, and goodnight.


Willie Moe said...

Jason Bateman's character was such a douche in that show.

Jill said...

Hmm, it is surprising that I watched EVERY single one of those shows? I think not.

You beat me to the punch though, I wanted to do a thing on "Today's Special!" I'm just glad someone else remembers that show, because I thought it was just a crazy dream I had. Now if I can just find the song of "Do The Muffy." (And what a shock, she's a mouse. Go figure.)

Jill said...

I love how in the Silver Spoons clip the fake balloon boobs are popped with a dart right through the shirt...yet no one is concerned that there would now be two holes inappropriately placed in the top.