Sunday, May 20, 2007

"It's Always Something"

Question: Who was the first person cast as one of the Not Ready For Prime Time Players for the debut of Saturday Night Live in 1975?

Answer: Gilda Radner

Today marks the sad day that in 1989 the great Gilda lost her battle with ovarian cancer.

Gilda Radner is an absolute favorite of mine. She is remembered for many of her SNL characters. Weekend update correspondent Roseanne Rosanadana, the Barbara Walters’ inspired character Babwa Wawa, the nerdy teenager Lisa Lupner played brilliantly with former boyfriend Bill Murray, and of course another Weekend Update correspondent Emily Litella:

With NBC’s crackdown on YouTube there are not a lot of clips to be found, but you can see them on the NBC/SNL site. Some other funny bits I recommend you check out are Extremely Stupid with Candace Bergen, the hilarious Slumber Party all-female sketch, and my all-time favorite The Judy Miller Show -- I related to this one a little too much.

Gilda Radner was an amazing talent, a wonderful person and she will continue to be missed.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Very nice tribute.