Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tropic Hilarity

Not one to really ever endorse anything from the Music Television Network, unless it's a classic video of the week (you see kids, at one point, MTV played music videos. It's true.), but this clip from the MTV Movie Awards tickled me.

I really enjoyed that Jack Black was wearing a Tropic Thunder Cup. Brilliant. I don't know about anyone else, but I for one, cannot wait for this movie to come out.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

NOW he's my Idol!

I know American Idol has taken a few hits on this blog and in America in general this season. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a loyal viewer of the show and generally have grown to disagree with America's choices for winners. This time is a different story. In a country where the outcomes of our elections often leave me scratching my head, there is one voting outcome that I'm proud of: David Cook as this year's American Idol.

Sure, the man can sing. He did some interesting things with songs that you could never picture any other way. However, he officially won my heart on this past week's Best Week Ever. I like a man with a sense of humor about himself (see Neil Patrick Harris), and David Cook proved that he has that. It's nice to see someone with talent who doesn't take himself so seriously, as many of the previous Idols have done. I will be sure to pay more attention to David Cook in the future, as I think I've developed the teeniest of crushes on him. Is it the hair, the voice? No, it's the sense of humor.

Watch the clip..."it's worth the risk!"

You have been Cookified!