Sunday, June 3, 2007


Okay so I took a bit of a sabbatical, leaving the blogging behind for like a fortnight or so. But I'm BACK BAAABY! Because the world needs it's TV Moms and Dads of the week. So on with the show. This week's TV Dad of the week is none other than Troy Garland.

Troy of course is on the left in the above picture. Some of you, not as versed in the pop culture of yore may be saying to yourselves, "Wha, wha, wha, wha, whaaaaaaa?!" Yes it appears that there is no person to the right (your left) of Evie Garland, his daughter. Yes, you see Troy is an alien and speaks to his wife and daughter through this weird little neon knick-knack on her nightstand. Not much of dad, you may say, but he did give his daughter the power to stop time, and that's pretty cool. Especially since, we know why she has this power. It's not like Zack Morris' ability to freeze time, which is a mystery to everyone. So there you have it, Troy Garland (voiced by Burt Reynolds), your Pop-Pop (Culture) in the Attic's TV Dad of the week.


Eileen said...

Welcome back!

Great post to jump back in. I'll back your choice just pulled that one way out of the recesses of my memory. For that, I thank you.

And Zack Morris stopped time because he was awesome. Sure, he could have used it more to his advantage (for example by stopping time to fix the car when the gang wrecked it after drinking at a toga party), but it had purpose! Okay, you're right, that never made sense...but you can't attempt to figure out a show that loves having Casey Kasem as a recurring guest star.

Jill said...

Wow. You just blew my mind. I forgot that "Out of This World" ever existed.

Welcome back! We missed you. Glad Pop-Pop gets a treat.