Saturday, June 23, 2007

Celebrity Male Crush of the Month for June

For info on the Celebrity Male Crush of the Month guidelines, go here. Despite the delay, I didn't forget about this month's CMCM. It simply took me a while to decide who to give this great honor. The decision was not easy. Paul Rudd had so much steam going into this month I felt to honor him would be too obvious, although he is definitely worthy. This month's recipient was my choice at first but then I was sold on someone else for a while. At the last minute I felt I should go with my gut and switch back to the original choice. I wanted to honor a man who truly is a Celebrity Male Crush we can all be proud of.

So, without further interruption, I give you the June Celebrity Male Crush of the Month!

Andy Richter

To me, Andy Richter exemplifies the great qualities of CMCM. He has immense talent and his likability factor is through the roof. Let us start first with his personality. What guy would be better to hang out with than someone who actually did that for a living? As the loyal sidekick to Conan O'Brien for 7 years he was great at comedic banter and interjecting interviews with repartee. He would be the perfect choice to kick back and watch some lame television or movies whilst making funny comments.

If his positive qualities ended simply at being witty and a nice guy then he would fall short of this position. However, he used that wit and charm to create a respectable career. Andy enjoys high critical success despite the continued failure of many of his projects. Instead of letting the cancellations get him down, Andy dusts himself off and tries again.

Andy's big break was. of course, his biggest gig to date. On Late Night with Conan O'Brien he was the perfect match for Conan. Their sketches reached legendary status. But a genius the level of Andy can only remain in the sidekick role for so long. At some point he must reach for his own glory. Since his departure in 2000 it has not been an easy road for Andy.

In 2002 Andy scored his first television show as the lead. It was the underrated Andy Richter Controls the Universe. The show relied on Andy's charm and extreme likability and a first rate supporting cast. Unfortunately, as would be a theme with quality television, Fox failed to give the show adequate time to grow a loyal following.

Andy's next big television project was a step backwards. In choosing to make Quintuplets, Andy in my opinion was trying to at last gain that commercial success he had longed for. But he sacrificed quality material for a grab at good ratings. Sadly, for Andy, even this attempt failed to produce positive results. Yet another show of his was axed by Fox.

It is amazing and a true testament to his fortitude that he ever wanted to have his own television show again. Like so often before he decided to give it another shot. He went back to his roots and what works well for him. His newest project would greatly rely on his charm and perceived innocence. It would be his finest work to date. What helped set Andy Barker, P.I. apart was that it also had Conan as a producer and writer. The tag team of O'Brien and Richter were back together to kick ass and take names!

Could it be that Andy's chance at success was finally here? He switched networks to NBC and was again surrounded by a stellar cast, most notably the brilliant Tony Hale. Surely the American public would rise up and see how brilliant this show was. Alas it was not meant to be. Once again Andy is facing uncertainty.

It seems that Andy's career as a leading television man is doomed for failure. We can only hope that changes in the future. However, Andy has found success in one area through the years. He has made cameos in numerous television shows and movies. Although the parts are mainly small they do make an impact and reinforce his ability to inject comedy in any situation. He has been involved in such notable shows as Arrested Development, Strangers with Candy,
Ed and Monk. Upcoming he will have a role in the Will Ferrell comedy Semi-Pro. With luck he will find another television show that matches his talent.


Eileen said...

This was a very interesting choice for CMCM! I was not expecting it at all.

Before I begin, I hate to be nit-picky, but as a long-time follower, I must correct the title for Conan--it's Late Night with Conan O'Brien. I know, I know, I hate to do it, but I must. It's the editor in me. Moving on...

I think Andy is a great guy-next-door pick. He does seem very down-to-earth and his humor is generally subtle, which makes him very likeable to me. (I prefer the quiet humor over someone like Robin Williams, who I can find sometimes exhausting to watch.) I would also agree that his smaller roles are quite memorable, and often, unexpected.

I, unfortunately, never got to see Andy Richter Controls the Universe, but I have heard from a very reputable source (my brother) that it was pretty awesome. I did watch Quintuplets, and while it was somewhat cheesy, I actually liked it. (I also liked the theme song: "You could suck or you could shine.") I think that it was much more charming than According to Jim (I think we know how this blog feels about that show) or shows of that nature. However, you're right, much of the reason I liked it was Richter's charm.

I could go on for days about Andy Richter. I've watched him since I was 12 and I continue to enjoy his work. If you wonder why, you should check out this link, and it will explain it all:

Jill said...

I did watch all the episodes of Andy Barker, PI, but I have to admit I watched them for free online before they even aired. So I guess others like me don't really help when it comes to ratings. But when a network does that with a show, they're kind of dooming it from the start. Tony Hale was hilarious in it though!

James said...

I'm glad you are an editor Eileen because I definitely miss a lot of things like that. I take an absurd amount of time to type something. Usually by the time that I am done the last thing I want to do is give it a quick read over to make sure all is correct. The funny thing is that I tell my students to read their essays out loud to themselves all the time.

I'm glad you both like my choice. To be fair, I never really gave Quintuplets much of my time. I think I was thrown off from the start at how different it was from AR Controls the Universe that I remained bitter about that cancellation.