Sunday, June 17, 2007

Classic Music Video of the Week

Yes, I know what you are thinking...TWO classic music video posts in a row?! How unoriginal! How tediously redundant! How unorganized!

Well first of all, back off. I haven't had my coffee yet. It is Sunday, so technically it's a new week. But most importantly, it's Father's Day. And in honor of my father, this week's video is Oh Sherrie by Steve Perry. Now before you start complaining about how last week's video was Journey and now this week's is from lead singer Steve Perry, let me explain.

My hilarious father and I were having one of our many ridiculous debates years and years ago. I believe I was trying to argue with him what a unique lead vocalist Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace was. This discussion sparked the classic family quote from my father of, "Steve Perry is the greatest male vocalist...of all time." He continued to add, "Remember that video, where he's sitting on those stairs? When he hits that 'Should've been gone!' that's just the best!"

So Happy Father's Day, to all the fathers and also fans of Steve Perry. Because our love holds on, holds on.


Eileen said...

Your dad is wise beyond his years.

James said...

It was an excellent choice for video of the week. Perry does have a classic voice, but I also agree with you about Raine. His vocal style is very unique with the integration of falsetto notes. Unfortunately he seems to have drifted away from that on their more recent albums.