However, right now that would seem very extreme. You see, I am going through what i refer to as Netflix fatigue. Netflix Fatigue is when your film-watching decreases to a minimal level and thus your queue remains stagnant. You become disenchanted with the choices you currently have at home and this only further perpetuates your lack of viewing. This condition can be brought about by several different factors.
In many instances it is merely a cause of a time crunch. The person simply lacks the time during the week to watch a decent amount of movies. Coupled with that is also the movie length intimidation factor. During a week where you are already exhausted you tend to eye the movie times on your choices more frequently. Even though when at your best you could easily crank through a whole season of Arrested Development, suddenly any movie over 2 hours seems daunting.
For me the biggest cause is the swings of my genre mood. When it comes to music, television and movies I like to partake in different types based completely on my mood. My queue has hovered around the 470 to 500 range for nearly all of my account's existence. When I created the queue I tended to lump certain genres together. I do love dramas, independent and foreign films and they are highly represented there. But, as much as I love them, I definitely go through periods where I just can't bring myself to sit through them. So when I hit those pockets of one genre on my queue, if I'm not in that mood then there is going to be a problem.
Your movies may sit there for a week. Each night you watch something else either on tv or what you own. You tell yourself that you will watch a Netflix movie soon. Pretty soon another week has passed and before you know it you have had certain movies for over a month. At that point you start to contemplate returning the movie without watching it. You tell yourself it just wasn't meant to be and that it can be re-added to the queue for another time.
So what is the big deal with Netflix Fatigue? Well it can cause a waste of money. You are paying a monthly fee and if you aren't watching a good share of movies then you are just flushing money down the toilet. Plus, at least for me, it is a pride thing. I am proud to have over 2,000 ratings. How can I improve upon that number and my overall pop-culture knowledge when I am stricken by Netflix Fatigue? Unfortunately right now there are no known cures for Netflix Fatigue. But with your help we can assure that at least one scientist somewhere will be working on this problem day and night until it is defeated.
P.S. I did create the little Netflix guy after an embarrassing amount of time spent with Microsoft Paint this afternoon. It goes to show that creative impulses don't always coincide with actual talent.
Sometimes I feel like I need a 12-step program when "Watch Netflix movies" shows up on my to-do list. I usually try to schedule that I can get through 3 a week at a minimum. Then you also have to space them out properly so you don't mail them back on a Friday, since they won't receive it until Monday and then you won't get a new one until Tuesday. I wish they would start shipping and receiving on Saturdays.
I agree. If they would ship and receive on Saturdays it would completely revolutionize the whole process. I also agree with your comment on the other post about being able to record half a star ratings. I sent that in as a recommendation to the website once. Who knows if they even read it. It would make the average ratings for movies much more accurate, that's for sure.
I also recommended that they add a half star approach to the ratings system. I feel like it would make people's ratings and recommendations much more accurate.
I've been slow on my queue lately. As you said, James, it's sometimes hard to get yourself psyched up for a 2-hour time commitment. (I am one of those people that can't start and stop movies. Once I start it, I'm there till the end.)
Anyway, at least we have each other as a support group. We can make it through this together.
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