Thursday, July 19, 2007

Guess what just got added to my Christmas wishlist...

I saw this in David Wain's blog today, for those of you who haven't seen it yet...

The State


Eileen said...

I definitely cannot wait for that! Whenever I'm at my most destitute is when it will come out because I know I'll spend the money on it...

Willie Moe said...

As soon as I saw the special presentation thing I knew what was happening. Where can I preorder this! We should have dvd release party, drink beer, get $240 worth of pudding (in the running for my World Series of Pop Culture team name, by the by.)dip our balls in things and put tape on our faces!!!! The four exclamation points shows just how freaking serious I am!!! I am not even kidding my friends!!!! Iam not even mad that my entry didn't win in the "Sleep with the State concept". You may think you know or are the biggest "the State" fan ever, but I can tell you you are wrong, cause you aren't me! I know I cause I check the mirror every morning! Finally no more watching my VHS tapes of every episode till they are barely watchable! HAHAHAHA! But I am not playing strip Battleship, sorry, that's where I draw the line, James! What am I doin?! Oh it's like toothbrush has come back tome and he has started a family! We should all try wearing pants!

Eileen said...

Holy crap, Will. Way to squeeze references into that! I had no doubt you were the biggest fan before, but you went above and beyond in that response.

And I agree that we should have a release party. It will be just like Chip's Party. (I'll be the one who doesn't know her phone number.) Count me in!

Jill said...

That would be awesome! Although I think my mind just melted because it couldn't handle all the references at once on a Friday afternoon.