Thursday, July 19, 2007

Classic Music Video of the Week

I'm taking over the CMVW this week because there's a video that needs to be posted in order to save the childhood memories of people like me.

I don't know if anyone's seen the show Hey Paula, which airs on Bravo (Thursdays at 10pm). If not, you should count yourself lucky. I swore I wouldn't watch it, but of course I found myself on the couch on a Saturday, not wanting to get dressed yet and at the mercy of horrible weekend tv. (Side note: Shouldn't weekend tv be the BEST tv? Why are all the good shows on while I'm working and on a Saturday or Sunday my best option is the 8-hour repeat marathon of The Prince and Me? But I digress.) So it happened. I watched the reality show about Paula Abdul's life and I walked away with only one comment: "That b**ch is crazy."

In a nutshell, Paula freaks out about everything. She sat there and bitched out her assistants for packing her clothes that "weren't comfortable enough" for a plane ride, and then CRIED about it. Apparently it never occurred to Ms. Abdul to pack her own damn suitcase. Then she went to look at her line of QVC jewelry and was yelling at the QVC people because there was an extra line (or something like that) in a piece of jewelry and she "didn't approve that." The kicker came when she acted like she was drunk off her behind in a Starbucks at 2am (we've all been loopy in tiredness, but DANG), and then had the nerve to ask one of her cronies for money to pay for it after she had ordered. As you can see, this show upset me. I'm not sure when Paula Abdul thought that being a diva was appropriate for her, since she hasn't released an album in years and is generally considered talentless. I also found it ironic that she was SO mean to her assistants when she is overly nice to people on American Idol, even after their performances are enough for Triumph the Insult Comic Dog to poop on.

So what does this have to do with the Classic Music Video of the Week? I want--nay, NEED--to jump back to my childhood, to my happy place. I need to embrace the time when I was too young and naive to know that her voice was terrible and that her songs were nothing but catchy. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I do still have her old songs in my iTunes.) I need to go back to the time when Paula Abdul was someone I didn't loathe. What's the easiest way to get back to that place?

Sit back, relax, and float back to the smooth rhymes of MC Skat Kat with the then-harmless Paula Abdul, telling the world that Opposites Attract.


Jill said...

Thank you, Eileen, for taking us not only two steps forward, but also two steps back. Every day can use a little MC Skat Kat.

Anonymous said...

i have to say, paula is Not talentless or even "genereal considered talentless". she is considered one of the best choreographers ever.. people like janet jackson became stars thanks to paulas choreography, Paula herself became a superstar thanks to her own choreography

Jill said...

I think that while Janet Jackson did receive choreography from Ms. Abdul, I would hardly say that's what helped her "become a star.” She had the Jackson family name to go off of, so nepotism is part of it. Plus she has her own vocal and dance talents, so not like she was unable to dance without Paula Abdul's help.

I hesitate to call her a “superstar,” and I think that was Eileen’s post in saying she really doesn’t hold current Diva status. While a popular pop music star with a series of hit songs and some platinum albums, I don’t think she is held in the same light vocally as “divas” like Whitney Houston or Celine Dion.

To me, no one, celebrity or not, should have the right to act so rudely to their assistants or overreact over such small things as comfortable clothing. I think the point being made was people may expect such demanding behavior from a Barbara Streisand, but not Ms. Abdul.

I’m not slamming Paula Abdul’s dance or music either, for I did own a cassette of hers at one time, as I’m sure some of our other members did as well. We may even be in the minority on this one, since there is a whole generation now that only know her as the “nice” judge on American Idol.

Eileen said...

Hey look, everybody! Paula Abdul posted anonymously on our blog! Just kidding, of course. I have read the comment and have a few thoughts...

Anonymous, please refer back to the part where I said that I still have her music in my iTunes. I should note that when I was younger, she was my *favorite* singer. I loved her. That's why this show upsets me. My image of her as the nice, pretty singer has been replaced by someone who yells at the people who are doing things like packing her suitcase so she doesn't have to.

While I can acknowledge that Paula Abdul was a spotlighted choreographer back then, I wouldn't say she was the reason for people's success. She did well for herself, no doubt about that. But, as you have taken issue with my claim that she is GENERALLY considered talentless, I will take issue with calling her one of the "best choreographers ever." I have never heard, "You know, the greats--Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelly, Paula Abdul."

So, agree to disagree on her current place in society. That's the beauty of this blog. We all have our own opinions. Thanks for your comment!