Friday, October 26, 2007

Classic Music Video of the Week

P.S. In case the 20 videos below aren't enough for you, before the week ends, let me present this Classic Music Video of the Week.

This video is dedicated to one of our lurking readers, who checks in often enough to know what's going on in the blog, but who may be a bit shy to leave a comment. This person and I used to rock out to this song in high school because we thought it was cheesy and awesome. My friends, I had no idea how cheesy until I just watched this video. I think you'll agree it is "classic" in its own sort of special way.

So, friend of mine, this video goes out to you. Next time we hang out we can hairspray our hair, pull our shirts off one shoulder, and if we feel extra classy, add a bit of glitter. (Now you know I'm definitely talking about you!)

Readers, please enjoy this CMVW:

Runaway by Bon Jovi

P.S. Look for some wicked keyboard skills around the two and a half minute mark.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Nice choice for the sweet effects. Although I could've done without all the eyeball closeups ; )