Sunday, August 12, 2007

DVD Release of the Week

I am almost a week late on this news, and I apologize. My change in jobs has kept my schedule quite busy, and also limited my Internet access during the work week. But I'm sure this will make up for it...

I don't know if Will's CMVotW post of SBTB was due to this release, or was by sheer coincidence, but it was good timing nonetheless. For last Tuesday August 7th, a DVD was released that many fans have long awaited...

That's right, my friends, Saved by the Bell Hawaiian Style AND Wedding in Las Vegas, both yours to own on one DVD for the low, low price of $14.99! It's been forever since I've seen these, and now I'm glad they're available for purchase.

So get your copy now, so you can watch legendary scenes with amazing songs!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

I, of course, bought it. I'm sure it will be as amazingly cheesy as I remember. (I still laugh at how blonde Jessie's hair was in the wedding, knowing that she was filming Showgirls when she made her appearance.) Unless I decide to buy the awful Miss Bliss episodes or SBTB: The College Years, my SBTB life is complete.