Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cheers to you, Neil Patrick Harris

I am a big fan of How I Met Your Mother. I'm so happy that there are new episodes on to entertain me and make me laugh. This week's episode gave me a whole new respect for Neil Patrick Harris.

For those who may not be pop culture savvy, Neil Patrick Harris played the one and only teenage doctor genius, Doogie Howser, M.D.

I can imagine that it gets old when people constantly say things like, "Neil Patrick Harris, most well known as tv's Doogie Howser" or things along that vein. (Why does nobody ever point to his role as Lance in Undercover Brother? That character, the only white man at the Brotherhood because of Affirmative Action, won me over years ago!) However, this week's HIMYM proved that Mr. Harris has a sense of humor about himself and his life, and I, personally, found it to be amazing.

So, Mr. Neil Patrick Harris, I salute you! I admire that you embrace your past as a stepping stone to your present, and that you do it with such charm. You are a great actor and a down-to-earth guy. I wish more of Hollywood could be like you.



Jill said...

That was a nice touch. But it was subtle enough that I'm sure not everyone picked up on it.

James said...

I agree. It was a pure class move and a heads up to all the long time NPH fans. I especially liked how he through the pause in there and reflection followed by the chuckle. Classic Doogie at it's finest.