Sunday, November 9, 2008

Classic Music Video of the Week

It's been a stressful week, for oh-so-many reasons. When I get stressed, I like to revert back to simpler times (in a totally mentally healthy way...).

Within the past two days, I rediscovered my love for this week's Classic Music Video of the Week. Even though Daylight Savings Time kicked in last weekend, let's turn the clock back once more, to the year 1995. I was 14, had straight As, and (thankfully) was unaware of the painful degree to which I was awkward. Life was good...or at least good enough. I still had hope for my future, and was sure of what my life would be at 27. Of course things haven't panned out quite the way I'd expected, but I still hold on to that hope. So, in memory of times gone by, and as a reminder to myself of how to deal with this coming week, I present this week's CMVW:

Loungin' by LL Cool J (featuring Total)

It may not be 1995 anymore, but I can definitely stop and take a minute to chill out...Thanks for the reminder, LL.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That was awesome! Half-asleep (and running late) I had no idea what video that was going to be! (I also couldn't figure out how you got "straight as" in 1995, until I realized it was grades!)

Thanks for helping me wake up this morning!