Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I can't believe Black History Month is almost over and we have not even addressed it here at Pop-Pop! In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude." Well we've still got nine, count 'em, nine glorious days left to celebrate famous blacks in the world of pop culture. And I am going to go ahead and get the ball rolling. Today we are going to celebrate a man who is full of energy and who, at times, has taken comedy to another realm. He has shown both musical, acting and writing chops, making him a triple threat in the world of pop culture. Now as far as being historic, I guess he is not so much, since he's been in the pop culture eye for less than a decade, but that's good enough for me. So in honor of Black History Month here at "Pop-Pop", we honor the one and only, Jack Black.

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